Changelog ========= Source code downloads for released versions can be downloaded from `Github `_. v2.0 ---- :Release: v2.0.0 The v2.0.0 release removes the cdms interface. The cdms2 package is no longer maintained and therefore support has been dropped. v1.7 ---- :Release: v1.7.0 :Date: 21 August 2018 The v1.7.0 release makes further progress on the road to more modern tooling and processes. The significant changes for users/contributors are: * Support for using Legendre functions computed on-the-fly or stored, implemented by `@rcomer `_ [:issue:`97`, :pr:`98`]. * The source code directories have been reorganised, the ``lib/windspharm`` directory has been moved to ``windspharm/`` (``lib/`` is removed) and the ``doc/`` directory has been renamed ``docs/`` [:pr:`105`]. * The package version is now controlled by `versioneer `_. In addition, this is the first release where documentation and PyPI packages will be built automatically as part of the continuous integration system. v1.6 ---- :Release: v1.6.0 :Date: 9 May 2018 This release has no major user-facing changes, its main purpose is to modernise the test suite and fix problems with NumPy compatibility, although the modifications to the test suite may have knock-on effects for package maintainers. * Fixes for NumPy compatibility [:issue:`89`, :pr:`90`]. * Switch from `nose` to `pytest `_ for the test suite [:pr:`91`, :pr:`94`]. v1.5 ---- :Release: v1.5.1 :Date: 9 January 2017 * Improved recognition of Gaussian grids [:issue:`78`, :pr:`76`, :pr:`79`]. :Release: v1.5.0 :Date: 27 April 2016 * Added a keyword argument to control the radius of the sphere used in the spherical harmonic computations. The `rsphere` keyword is available for all interfaces. v1.4 ---- :Release: v1.4.0 :Date: 1 March 2016 * Added an `xarray `_ interface allowing use of `windspharm` with `xarray.DataArray` objects. * Fixed a bug in the identification of Gaussian grids in the iris interface. * Fixed a bug where the `truncate` method would not work on inverted latitude grids in the iris interface. v1.3 ---- :Release: v1.3.2 :Date: 18 May 2015 * Fixed a bug in the iris and cdms interfaces that caused incorrect results to be returned from the `gradient` method if the input had a latitude dimension ordered south-north (thanks to Adrian Matthews for the report). * Fixed the metadata of the return values from the gradient and truncate methods in the cdms interface, previously a temporary variable name would be included in the id and long_name attributes when it should have been the name of the input field. :Release: v1.3.1 :Date: 1 June 2014 * Improved support for setuptools, users already using v1.3.0 need not upgrade to v1.3.1. :Release: v1.3.0 :Date: 2 May 2014 * Added a method to apply spectral truncation to a scalar field. * Basic Python3 compatibility using 2to3 (pyspharm does not yet have Python3 support but some Linux distros provide a patched package). v1.2 ---- :Release: v1.2.1 :Date: 8 August 2013 * Fixed error in the iris interface where cubes with a south-north latitude dimension could not be used [:pr:`22`]. :Release: v1.2.0 :Date: 20 May 2013 * Prevented possible double copying of data in `order_latdim` [:pr:`16`]. * Refactored test suite and added more test coverage [:pr:`14`]. * Fixed bug in calculation of the magnitude of a vector wind [:pr:`13`, :issue:`11`]. v1.1 ---- :Release: v1.1.0 :Date: 10 January 2013 * First release.