Basic usage

This section describes the basic usage of the solver classes in a generic way that is applicable to all interfaces.

Importing the solver class

The solver classes are all called Eof and are stored in interface specific modules: eofs.<interface>.Eof. To import the standard interface solver class:

from eofs.standard import Eof

the cdms interface solver class:

from eofs.cdms import Eof

the iris interface solver class:

from eofs.iris import Eof

and the xarray interface solver class:

from eofs.xarray import Eof

Creating a solver

Creating an instance of a solver calss can be as simple as:

solver = Eof(data)

but all interfaces have options available. It is highly likely that input data will need to be weighted prior to EOF analysis, which is best done using the weights keyword argument. This argument accepts an array of weights in all interfaces, and also a selection of pre-defined weighting method names in the cdms and iris interfaces:

solver = Eof(data, weights=weights_array)


It is strongly recommended that weights be applied in this way, rather than applying weighting to data before passing it to the solver class. The solver class handles weighting in an intelligent way internally, and passing the weights using the weights keyword is the only way to let the solver class know that weights are required.

Two more keyword arguments are accepted by all interfaces. The center argument, which defaults to True determines whether or not the time-mean is removed from the input data set before analysis. In general this should be set to True unless you are absolutely sure you don’t want to do this! The ddof keyword controls the degrees of freedom used in normalizing the covariance matrix. Its default value is 1 meaning the covariance matrix is normalized by \(N - 1\) where \(N\) is the number of temporal samples in the input data set.

Retrieving results from the solver

Once a solver has been constructed the results of the analysis can be obtained by calling methods of the solver class. For example, to retrieve the PCs:

pcs = solver.pcs()

If we only wanted the first 5 PCs, and wanted them scaled to unit variance we could use:

pcs = solver.pcs(npcs=5, pcscaling=1)

Similar calls could be made to retrieve the EOFs themselves:

eofs = solver.eofs()

It is also possible to perform more complex actions using the solver, here we reconstruct the original input field using only 4 EOF modes:

reconstructed_data = solver.reconstructedField(4)

We could also project another field onto the EOFs to produce a set of pseudo-PCs:

pseudo_pcs = solver.projectField(other_field)