Running the test suite

The package comes with a comprehensive set of tests to make sure it is working correctly. The tests can be run against an installed version of eofs or against the current source tree. Testing against the source tree is handy during development when quick iteration is required, but for most other cases testing against the installed version is more suitable.

Running the test suite requires pytest and pycodestyle to be installed. The test suite will function as long as the minimum dependencies for the package are installed, but some tests will be skipped if they require optional dependencies that are not present. To run the full test suite you need to have the optional dependencies cdms2 (from UV-CDAT), iris, and xarray installed.

Testing against the current source tree

Testing the current source is straightforward, from the source directory run:


This will perform verbose testing of the current source tree and print a summary at the end.

Testing an installed version

First you need to install eofs into your current Python environment:

cd eofs/
python install

Then create a directory somewhere else without any Python code in it and run pytest from there:

mkdir $HOME/eofs-test-dir && cd $HOME/eofs-test-dir
pytest --pyargs eofs

This will run the tests on the version of eofs you just installed.